
If you are familiar with installing python packages

$ git clone
$ cd peyotl
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python develop

and then look at the configuration page.

Depending on how you are running python, you may have to change the last line sudo python develop. You should probably be using a virtualenv (described below) in which case the sudo is not needed, but you need to activate your virtualenv.


Peyotl code is regularly tested using Python 2.7. Earlier versions of python are not officially supported. It has been tested some under python 3.3 and 3.4

Because peyotl is still under very active development. you probably don’t want to usepip or easy_install to install it yet.

You should probably download it using version control (rather than by downloading a snapshot). Make sure that you have a reasonably modern version of git and then run:

$ git clone


We highly recommend that you install in a sandbox environment using virtualenv:

$ virtualenv my-env
$ source my-env/bin/activate

If you do not use virtualenv, you’ll need to install pip (virtualenv installs pip for you). Note that you’ll have to run the source command in every shell that needs to use this virtualenv.

To install the dependencies:

$ cd peyotl
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, you should probably install using the develop command rather than the normal install command. This will put a link from your python distributions site-packages directory (<install-prefix>/lib/python2.7/site-packages) to peyotl. Install copies the files to your site-packages directory. That means that you’ll have to reinstall each time you get a new version of peyotl. By using the link from the develop command, your python distribution will always find the version of peyotl in the original directory.

$ python develop

Keeping up-to-date

If you have followed the recommended approach then you’ll just need to run:

$ git pull origin master

to pull down the latest changes from the git repository from which you cloned peyotl.

Next step: Configuration